Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Ethical Dilemma Of Abortion - 1312 Words

Induced abortion is the deliberate ending of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable or capable of surviving outside a female’s body. Abortion has been practiced in every culture since the beginning of civilization† (Kaplan, Tischauser Chara, 2015). Abortion is one of many controversial issues. It is a topic that is widely debated among many people. Abortion is a difficult topic of discussion, when the baby is a product or rape, or has Down syndrome or deformities. According to my Christian worldview, I will examine the abortion ethical dilemma, and compare it to other options of resolving the dilemma. Ethical Dilemma: The topic on abortion involves my response to a woman who has been struggling between aborting and keeping her baby. Susan, a career driven woman has been waiting for many years to have a baby. Through blood tests, she has been notified that her baby unfortunately has Down syndrome. Her doctors and trusted friend Richard suggested that she aborts the baby. They feel as though if Susan brings human life into the world, she will cause more suffering for the baby and herself. Therefore, she is torn between the two difficult decisions. Susan is aware that if she goes through with the pregnancy, her child will have lifelong suffering and it would be immoral for her to bring her child into the world. However, she really wants to have a baby. Although her baby would suffer with Down syndrome, she should make the ethical decision of keeping the baby. Susan ignoresShow MoreRelatedAbortion Ethical Dilemma1643 Words   |  7 PagesAbortion Ethical Dilemma An 18 year old girl gets pregnant and can’t decide whether to keep the baby or have an abortion. Her parents are very religious and do not believe in sex before marriage therefore would not take to kindly to their daughter being pregnant. She does not want to kill her unborn child but feels like there is no other option besides having an abortion. There are many reasons that one would decide upon getting an abortion and againstRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of Abortion1163 Words   |  5 PagesThere are many ethical dilemmas in the world today such as euthanasia, performance enhancing drugs, pornography, abortion and more. Someone’s worldview is often a big contributor in the decisions they make in regards to the dilemma. Abortion is one of today’s most contested ethical dilemmas (Beattie, 2011). Susan is a mother that is debating whether she should have an abortion or not. Her ethical dilemma case will be analyzed and compared from a Christian worldview perspective and other worldly perspectivesRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma On Abortion1703 Words   |  7 PagesMuldrow CWV-101 6/22/15 Professor James Waddell Ethical Dilemma on Abortion There are many common pregnancy alternatives, but most often the resulting decision is abortion because it is effortless. Abortion is endings a women’s pregnancy by removing or forcing a fetus or embryo from the mother’s womb before it is able to survive on its own. Not all abortions are purposely done some are spontaneous like when a women that has a miscarriage. Rather abortion is done purposely or naturally it is a worldwideRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of Abortion1036 Words   |  5 PagesBenchmark Assignment: Ethical Dilemmas One of the most controversial dilemmas occurring today is the topic of abortion. Some believe that a pregnant woman has the choice to end the life of their unborn child if the mother decides that this is what she wants, especially because the child has not been born and walked this earth yet. Others feel that if the woman chooses to have an abortion, the woman would be considered a murderer because she is ending the life of another human. There is also the grayRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemmas Of Abortion930 Words   |  4 PagesBenchmark Assignment: Ethical Dilemmas Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in the world today. There are many reasons and debates as to when, why or if a woman should have an abortion. One of the most controversial debates on this is when a woman finds out that their unborn child may have a deformity of some sort. In this paper, I will talk about abortion due to a woman carrying a child with Downs Syndrome and how this can be an immoral decision. Ethical Dilemma A woman named Susan hadRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of Abortion1102 Words   |  5 Pagesdetermines what is ethical and what is not? Can someone determine what is right simply relying on what they feel? Or does something drive them to know what is wrong or right? In the case of abortion, one would may ask: Is the fetus a person? At what stage in its development does, it becomes a person? Does any women have the right to decide if she is going to carry the baby to term or not? (Boyle, 2004) This paper will identify the ethical dilemma of abortion, core beliefs of abortion, and possible resolutionsRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Of Abortion1319 Words   |  6 PagesAbortion is a divisive problem in our time, and it is one that is difficult to solve as each side comes from very different initial premises. As Judith Jarvis Thomson points out, anti-abortionists rely on the premise that foetus’ are persons, and therefore are morally equivalent to human beings.1 Conversely, pro-choice advocates typically come from the premise that, as Mary Anne Warren suggests â€Å"foetuses are neither persons nor members of the moral community.† The key ethical schism, is around theRead MoreAbortion: An ethical dilemma.1944 Words   |  8 PagesAbortion, the intentional termination of a pregnancy through surgical or medical devices, was legalized in 1973. This issue of abortion has caused a great segregation in our country. Often the debate is thought to be conservative versus liberal, republican versus democrat, but more accurately it is pro-life versus pro choice. A pro-life stance opposes the belief that a woman should have the freedom to choose an abortion in the case that for any reason she does not want to have a baby. Pro-choiceRead MoreAn Ethical Dilemma About Abortion Essay1496 Words   |  6 Pageswill be faced with some sort of dilemma that tests their morals and values. They will encounter a situation that forces them to weigh the good and bad against bel iefs they have held their entire life and make a decision that could affect their life forever. Those core beliefs are what influences the person’s decisions, their sense of right and wrong as well as their perceptions about every situation they face. This paper will evaluate an ethical dilemma about abortion in relation to the Christian worldviewRead More Ethical Dilemmas Surrounding Abortion Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesEthical Dilemmas Surrounding Abortion In our society, there are many ethical dilemmas that we are faced with that are virtually impossible to solve. One of the most difficult and controversial issues that we are faced with is abortion. There are many strong arguments both for and against the right to have an abortion which are so complicated that it becomes impossible to resolve. The complexity of this issue lies in the different aspects of the argument. The essence of a person, rights, and who

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Corporate Social Responsibilities ( Csr ) And...

Presentation Deliberating with the rules given in the inquiries, the entire task worries about the Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) and maintainability. As it is specified in the inquiries we ll be discussing the CSR and maintainability. The goals of each business while building up are to make the financial conditions more grounded and to last nature for future era. Performing amid its normal exercises, it is having negative effect in nature. In the event that these sorts of exercises are not lessened then it will keep on effecting the earth. CSR worries about the obligations of the corporates towards the general public. Manageability is indispensable to how the corporate work together, and they keep on taking a stab at creative†¦show more content†¦So the partnership officials are capable of the general public not the entire business. The Corporate Executive drove the business. They have the principle obligations towards their managers to make the most benefit by performing best exercises for the business. Then the Corporate Executive, as a man may have his own social obligation, which implies he doesn t generally need to take after of his proprietors. On the off chance that the corporative official s moral qualities are not quite the same as the business, he may consider his own advantage as opposed to for the business. Along these lines, the stockholders, clients, or representatives ought to have the capacity to pick how they wish to spend their cash in the business. It is then seen that the corporate official is going about as an open worker, as opposed to an operators of the partnership. This can prompt a loss of both clients and workers if the corporate official s activities diminish corporate benefit and the cost of its stock. Friedman accepts, in a free society, there is one and one and only social obligation of business—to utilize its assets and take part in exercises intended to expand its benefits insofar as it stays inside of the diversion s standards, which is to say, participate

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Birmingham Campaign free essay sample

Campaign – Essay notes Cause †¢Underlying cause of history of slavery, emancipation, segregation/ Jim Crow laws. †¢Long term cause of growing Black Civil Rights movement building momentum and raising awareness of issue. Previous Black Civil rights campaigns that inspired and sparked e. g. Events such as Montgomery Bus Boycott which gave MLKing his first big leadership role. Also Freedom Riders, Brown VS board of Ed. †¢Birmingham was one of the worst segregated big cities in the USA †¢History of harsh and violent segregation and mistreatment of black citizens, KKK support and membership, epicentre of racism in the South †¢Government officials pro-segregation †¢SCLC- King’s group †¢NAACP was banned †¢Eg. Bull Connor and †¦.. †¢The failure of Albany- lack of publicity. †¢Event †¢Police violence †¢Dog attacks †¢High pressure hoses †¢Arrests. †¢By-standers violence †¢Children’s Crusade (primary and secondary) †¢Martin Luther King being arrested †¢Letter from Birmingham Jail †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Project C† = direct action and provocation †¢Non-violent provocations osit ins at White Churches, marches, boycotts, lunch counters etc. We will write a custom essay sample on Birmingham Campaign or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †¢Use of children to fuel protest Consequence †¢Publicity †¢National/International sympathy †¢White backlash – oSixteenth St Baptist Church bombing killing 4 girls oHotel bombed where Martin Luther King Jr and SCLC had stayed oMartin Luther King Jr’s brother Alfred’s house bombed †¢Riots †¢March on Washington †¢Civil Rights Act of 1964 †¢Governor Wallace sent State Troops to stop desegregation of schools and in response Present Kennedy sent Federal Troops. †¢Martin Luther King’s reputation (â€Å"I have a dream† speech). Nobel Peace prize 1964. †¢Positives: oâ€Å"Jim Crow† laws taken down desegregating public facilities eg Lunch counters, drinking fountains etc oAllowed Black employment oMore rights for Black citizens

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Innovating Machine free essay sample

There are many examples of successful companies. To what extent is 3M justifiably highlighted as the ‘innovating machine’? Answer: This case study has highlighted some of the key activities and principles that contribute to 3M’s performance. Many of these are not new and are indeed used by other companies. However, in 3M’s case they may be summarized as an effective company culture that nurtures innovation and a range of management techniques and strategies that together have delivered long-term success. There is evidence that 3M supports these fine words with actions. 3M hire good people and trust them; this will bring about innovation and excellent performance. 3M ensured that developing new products is much higher on the agenda in management meetings than at other companies. Moreover, the success of the approach is due to the continual reinforcement of its objectives. Indeed, the performance of individual business managers is partly judged on whether they are able to achieve the objective. We will write a custom essay sample on The Innovating Machine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Personally yes they will achieve because they take the time out to learn from their client base. Research and developments are done base on surveys and real people every day needs. I think that’s what keeps 3M’s successful, the fact they meet consumer demands. 2 In the 3M case study, what is meant by the statement: ‘the message is more important than the figures’? The message is more important than the figures is based on the 15 per cent rule. Some may say it makes no sense however others agree that some employees use more than 15 percent of their time on projects of their choice, on the other hand some employees use less than that and some none at all. The figure is not so important as the message, meaning that if an employee uses 15 percent or less, the time used does not matter, the most important thing is to get the job done and contributing positive ideas. 3. Discuss the merits and problems with the so-called ‘15 per cent rule’. Consider cost implications and a busy environment with deadlines to meet. To what extent is this realistic or mere rhetoric? The benefit of the 15 percent rule is that the Scientists and engineers are given time to work on projects and ideas that they consider to be of potential interest to the company, during the 15 per cent of an individual’s work week time it allows employees to brainstorm, bringing about high productivity the 15 percent of their work time is dedicated to such activities. It is an effective method of providing room for creativity and another way of showing that the organization encourages innovative effort. Allocating 15 percent of individual’s work week time is costly to the organization, especially when there strict deadline to meet, which means that company may need to employ more manpower in order to meet deadlines. 4. Encouraging product and brand managers to achieve 25 per cent of sales from recently introduced products would be welcomed by shareholders, but what happens if a successful business delivers profits without 25 per cent of sales from recently introduced products? The success of the approach is due to the continual reinforcement of the objective. Indeed, the performance of individual business managers is partly judged on whether they are able to achieve the objective. What this means is that these business managers are not under pressure and to ensure that they develop new products but that these new products will eventually represent higher per cent of the business’s sales. 5. Some people may argue that 3M’s success is largely due to the significance given to science and technology and this is the main lesson for other firms. Discuss the merits of such a view and the extent to which this is the case. This technological intensity provides the company with the competitive advantage to compete with its rivals; it does not involve a single-minded, technology-push approach to innovation. The role of the marketplace and users plays an important part in product development. 6. Explain how the innovation dilemma affected 3M. When 3M’s RD personnel were asked to adopt Six Sigma processes, the results were less favorable. While established operational processes like manufacturing require strict monitoring, measuring, and a regimented set of procedures, the innovation process requires a different approach. 3M felt stifled by the new structure and pressured to produce more new products faster. The result was a greater number of incremental product-line extensions than true new product innovations. Traditionally, 3M drew at least one-third of sales from products released; which is way less than what they were initially accustomed to doing.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

the solar feeder essays

the solar feeder essays The solar feeder company is a unique twist on the typical bird feeder, which is resembled a typical birdhouse, but it houses feed instead. The solar feeder is a new technology, which is to prevent squirrels from taking the birdseed with an electronic shock. Due to the solar feeder companys financial statement are not breaking even, so it is the time for the solar feeder company to implement its plan to increase its sales and production and reduce its cost. The main problems of the solar feeder are as the following: 1. Squirrel Defense, Inc. (SDI) is a company, which manufactures and sells solar feeder. As the financial statement indicates the company does not operate profitable and has no cash. SDI's balance sheet shows negative checkings/savings of $(7,308) and the income statement shows a negative net income of $(26,607) in 1999. 2. The feeders are expensive and time consuming to make. Furthermore, production capabilities do not meet incoming orders. So, the inefficient production results in long delivery delays and a feeder, which is too expensive for the market. 3. Another problematic factor is that the company's pricing of the feeder is not competitive. Prices had been calculated based on what management wants to earn per unit, rather than thinking from a market perspective. There was only little market research done in the beginning by visiting some local stores. The advertising of the feeder seems not to be the ideal promotion campaign, e.g. the video on the website does not function properly or advertising with a retro theme for an innovative product. Moreover, SDI has no defined vision, nor business objectives, nor strategy. What issues does the SDIs management need to address? SDI's management needs to set up a vision and objectives. Therefore, a business plan is required. Management needs to find answers to questions like: 3. What are our strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threads? 4. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biographical Profile of Dr. Michio Kaku

Biographical Profile of Dr. Michio Kaku Dr. Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, best known as one of the founders of string field theory. He has published several books and hosts television specials and a weekly radio program. Michio Kaku specializes in public outreach and explaining complicated physics concepts in terms people can understand and appreciate. General Information Born: January 24, 1947Nationality: AmericanEthnicity: Japanese Degrees Academic Achievements Went to the National Science Fair in high school with a home-made atom smasher built in his parents garage.1968, Physics B.S. (summa cum laude) from Harvard University1972, Physics Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley1973, lectureship at Princeton University25 years as Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York.Has been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton New York University. String Field Theory Work In the realm of physics research, Michio Kaku is best known as the co-founder of string field theory, which is a specific branch of the more general string theory which relies heavily on mathematically framing the theory in terms of fields. Kakus work was instrumental in showing that the field theory is consistent with known fields, such as Einsteins field equations from general relativity. Radio Television Appearances Michio Kaku is the host of two radio programs: Science Fantastic and Explorations in Science with Dr. Michio Kaku. Information about these programs can be found on Dr. Kakus official website. In addition to radio appearances, Michio Kaku frequently makes appearances on a wide variety of popular shows as a science expert, including Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Nightline, and 60 Minutes. He has hosted a number of science shows, including the Science Channel series Sci-Fi Science. Michio Kakus Books Dr. Kakus written a number of academic papers and textbooks over the years, but is especially noted among the public for his popular books on advanced theoretical physics concepts: The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind (2014)Physics of the Future  (2011)Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration Into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel  (2008)Einsteins Cosmos: How Albert Einsteins Vision Transformed Our Understanding of Space and TimeVisions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century and BeyondParallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos (2005)Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension Michio Kaku Quotes As a widely published author and public speaker, Dr. Kaku has  made many notable statements. Here are few of them: Physicists are made of atoms. A physicist is an attempt by an atom to understand itself.―  Michio Kaku,  Parallel Worlds: A Journey Through Creation, Higher Dimensions, and the Future of the Cosmos In some sense, gravity does not exist; what moves the planets and the stars is the distortion of space and time. To understand the difficulty of predicting the next 100 years, we have to appreciate the difficulty that the people of 1900 had in predicting the world of 2000.―  Michio Kaku,  Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Web content Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Web content - Essay Example In order to close important foreign deals and clearly get your message across, excellent translation services are what you need. Our standards and work ethics guarantee that your needs will be met and your questions will be answered at the shortest time possible. So, if quality translation at a very reasonable fee is what you are looking for, then browse through our website so you can learn more about what we can offer you. Because here at Titan Translations, your needs are our needs (this could be your tagline or if you have already created one then just replace it). We at Titan Translations provide you with multi-lingual professionals who can efficiently understand the full meaning of what you are saying and paraphrase it into your chosen language. Our expert interpreters can completely interpret your ideas into the language of your choice clearly and accurately. We have the best multi-lingual writers and researchers who can directly and accurately translate any legal, medical, and technical documents. We also offer web content translations to optimize your websites. Our highly qualified translators are more than capable of writing, translating, and composing grammatically correct texts in more than 70 languages. We also provide audio/video transcriptions for various purposes like creating subtitles for a movie in different languages. Our highly competent languages experts can directly transcribe, interpret, and translate both formal and colloquial conversations. I suggest you get at least 3 short testimonials (direct quotations) from satisfied customers in any of the top languages you offer. You need to place their names (even just first names) and occupations in relation to the Our Customers page. The road towards a successful foreign deal, a profitable export contract, a solid legal document, a highly detailed technical report, an understandable medical paper, and a foolproof

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How the mind and body are connected for the use of learning Essay

How the mind and body are connected for the use of learning - Essay Example â€Å"If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to turn.† Visual learners have a keen sense of knowing where to go (Learning Styles Online, 2008, pg. 1). Visual learning style is also known as the spatial learning style. Visual learners love to draw and doodle. They love using different types of colors in their scribbling, as well as in their sense of style and dress. Visual learners often enjoy architecture, art, design, film, navigation, photography, and planning. Visual learners learn through seeing. â€Å"These learners need to see the teachers body language and facial expression to fully understand the content of a lesson. They tend to prefer sitting at the front of the classroom to avoid visual obstructions (e.g. peoples heads). They may think in pictures and learn best  from visual displays including: diagrams, illustrated text books, overhead transparencies, videos, flipcharts and hand-outs.   During a lecture or classroom discussion, visual learners often prefer to take detailed notes to absorb the information† (LDPride, 2008, pg. 1). â€Å"If you use the aural style, you like to work with sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. You typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different instruments. Certain music invokes strong emotions. You notice the music playing in the background of movies, TV shows and other media. You often find yourself humming or tapping a song or jingle, or a theme or jingle pops into your head without prompting.† Music and sound are key to auditory learners (Learning Styles Online, 2008, pg. 1). Once again, those who are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Personal Attitude Speech FAA Medication Essay Example for Free

Personal Attitude Speech FAA Medication Essay Thesis Statement: I believe all pilots should avoid any type of medications that may slow the thinking process or reaction times before they fly. Introduction I. Many common medications are known to slow the thinking process and slow reaction times. II. I believe all pilots should avoid any type of medications that may slow the thinking process or reaction times before they fly. Body I. Slowness caused by medication can have a substantial negative impact on critical times of flight. a. When encountering bad weather, an unfamiliar area, or even just an unexpected flight event, the slowness caused by some medication could be the final determining factor that causes an accident. b. When encountering these types of conditions, a pilots mind must be clear to make split second decisions. II. Pilots have a great amount of responsibility placed on them with each and every flight. a. Some pilots may have the lives of several passengers behind their every move. b. Other pilots may be flying solo, but in a mishap can still cause danger to themselves or innocent bystanders on the ground. III. The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has compiled a list of prohibited medications, recognizing that some medications are valid for concern. a. In 12% of all fatal accidents in General Aviation prohibited medications were found to be a contributing factor (According to analysis of data by the FAA from the past decade). b. A valid point for concern that many pilots are still using impairing medications while operating aircraft, maybe unknowingly. i. Many OTC medications have a ubiquitous presence of sedating antihistamines. Conclusion I. A safe pilot should utilize the IMSAFE (which stands for Illness, Medications, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, and Emotions) to ensure they are safe prior to every flight, paying particular attention to the medications part of the checklist. II. I believe all pilots should avoid any type of medications that may slow the thinking process or reaction times before they fly.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Comparing the Work of Arundhati Roy and Seamus Heaney :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Comparing the Work of Arundhati Roy and Seamus Heaney Arundhati Roy writes a provocative story of growing up in India in his book entitled, The God of Small Things. The novel is placed in two different time periods about 23 years apart and moves smoothly from one time period to another. Roy’s predominate story is of Estha and Rahel who are â€Å"two-egg twins†¦born from separate but simultaneously fertilized eggs† (Roy 4), but along with their story are several other stories that spotlight members of immediate Ipe family members and persons living nearby. Woven into Roy’s novel are his views of life in India. Also examined here is Seamus Heaney’s book of selected poems, Opened Ground. The poet laureate of Ireland portrays in his writings his views Ireland, from his life as a child to the troubles Northern Ireland has faced because of England in the last century. These two countries are different in cultures and traditions and are located at opposite ends of the global yardstick. But common to both are pr oblems of unrest; in India those associated with English influence and domination; in Northern Ireland problems concerning English sympathizers and those opposed to English rule. These similarities and differences will be examined here. Roy begins by speaking in the present time focusing on Rahel return to India after a long absence. The author includes a careful description of the desolateness that currently envelopes the once active house, a house filled with activity but little happiness. After Ammu, the twin’s mother, is divorced, she returns to the house and fills it with her young and active twins. Rahel and Estha lived guarded lives as children, finding happiness for the most part only in their relationship with a neighbor of a lesser class, Velutha, a carpenter who became involved romantically with Ammu. Eventually, Estha was separated from his twin and sent to live with his father. In years past, her grandmother, Mammachi, spent unnamed hours on the front veranda, fleeing from her brutal husband, the Reverend Ipe and playing her violin. When Sophie Mol, Chacko’s daughter arrives from England for a visit, she is received on the veranda and served cake. And the property near the house also once held a factory of Mammachi’s named â€Å"Paradise Pickles and Preserves† and employed several people. The house held a bustle of activity. But when Rahel returns, all the activity that occurs outside involves rodents running in overgrown gardens and frogs swimming in scummy ponds.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sadies perspective paper

I never thought of before. Brainstorm Of Mice and Men John Steinbeck Crooks African American and physically disabled Elementally challenged Curly wife how women were treated Thesis Statement The author, John Steinbeck in his book Of Mice and Men helped my understanding and interpretation of how women were treated in the time that this b ask was written through the character Curler's wife.They were lonely, misunderstood and mi striated. Title Brainstorm Woman's problem Woman's woes Outline for UP Essay Introduction Hook (Quote, universal Statement, Question, etc. ) to get your reader interested in the general topic Have you ever been judged by the way you look or what you do? And as a result you w ere mistreated.Transition/ Smoothing Sentence(s) to show the connection between your hook and your primary focus of your essay Thesis Statement to narrow your focus to the point you are arguing (sometimes with t ere mall points provided to clarify your focus) The author, John Steinbeck in hi s book Of Mice and Men helped my understanding and interpretation of how woman were treated in the time that this book was written through the character, Curlers wife.They were lonely, misunderstood and mistreated. 1st Main Idea: lonely Topic Sentence Woman In the asses were lonely like Curler's wife. Supporting Details/ Evidence (including examples and, if a literary analysis essay, quotes)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Businesses Processes Are the Most Important at Summit Electric Supply Essay

1. Which businesses processes are the most important at Summit Electric Supply? Why? There are several business processes that were used by the Summit Electric Supply company. Among them the important ones are: 1) ERP software from SAP-> Scalability and investors visibility was the two factors most important to the company and both these factors were very well tackled by the ERP software.SAP functionality in sales and distribution, materials management and financials greatly benefited the company to boost its distribution capacity. 2) SAP’s NetWeaver BW – For Business Intelligence reporting and analysis this process was used. This helped the company to evaluate the profitability of its sales channels,using what-if solutions. 3) The â€Å"Batch management† process- Wires and cable are Summit most important product category. It buys these products in reels of length 5000 feet and then cuts them into various lengths and sells to the customers which make it difficult to maintain the inventory of this product. The batch management process removed the problem of maintaining the inventory of such products. 2. What problems did Summit have with its old systems? What was the business impact of those problems? There were a few problems that Summit went through with when they were using the old legacy systems. Some of the few problems they came across were— The old system caused them to have delay with their supplies. Also the system was complicated as it would separate different categories of products which eventually was difficult to combine when needed. The business impact from the problems was that the system was not able to keep up with the fast growing business. It limited the business as it was only able to handle a few range of numbers and location at a time. 3. How did Summit’s ERP system improve operational efficiency and decisions making? Give several examples. Summit’s ERP system improved operational efficiency and decisions making by advancing operations. It made the processing faster and distributed the supplies on time. With the old system the Summit had to do a huge amount of manual work. The employees would have to go into details with the customers just to find specific manufactures to identify a product. Once they have done that they would have to put it into Microsoft excel spreadsheet. The whole old system was too much time consuming. For example collecting and reviewing all the invoices manually would take up to a month and the company would have stacks of papers of the copies of the invoices to give to their vendors. Now the new ERP system has improved it. They are now able to produce more data quickly and they are able to view them more often. The ERP system has helped provide tools to help the company evaluate the sales channel with what-if scenarios. For example, now that the company uses this tool, they are now able to evaluate profitability by the branch, sale person, customers, and manufacture. Now the exposure to the internal working of the system, on how its operations are performed have been greatly enhanced which in turn makes the company and the management to make important decisions. 4. Describe two ways in which Summit’s customers benefit from the new ERP system. One way that the Summit’s customers are benefitting from the new ERP system is that they can rely on the company for their needs and products. The company is now more efficient with the new ERP system. The company wants the customers to feel that they can provide what all they have produced —all the products which the customers want are being dispatched to them in a short time period. Also customers can track their order status and from which manufacture it came from. Large customers that have long-term job sites are benefitting from the new system as well. The company built temporary warehouses on-site to supply the customers with its electrical products. They create what they call parent-child warehouse relationship to be able to work with the customers. That means that if a Summit’s office has more than a few temporary on-site warehouses than the warehouse can be controlled like subparts of the main Summits warehouse. With this system, it helps to prevent anybody from selling the consigned inventory into the warehouse. 5. Diagram Summit’s old and new process for handling chargebacks. The old process for handling chargebacks had so many flaws in it due to which the company was losing on revenue opportunities and sometime barely making any profit. Processing chargeback in the old system was very much manual. You have to compare the sales to contract. This means that a distributor can have up to hundreds maybe thousands of contracts. They have to identify the chargeback and which manufacturer with enough documentation of the contract. They would have to go through the customers invoices for detailed manufacturers to identify which chargeback they could have claimed. Then after identifying they would have to put the chargeback details in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The new process for handling chargebacks was more efficient. It automatically review Summit’s billing activity for the day and the compares it to all chargebacks agreements loaded in the SAP system by the end of every day. Whenever there was a match in the system they were able to claim. The system is after identifying the claimable chargebacks were able to create a separate chargeback document outside the consumer invoice. The system is able to process chargeback more quickly and is able to review it within the same day. Since it is fully automated, the company increased its claim by 118 percent over the old system.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ionization Energy Definition and Trend

Ionization Energy Definition and Trend Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion. The first or initial ionization energy or Ei of an atom or molecule is the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of isolated gaseous atoms or ions. You may think of ionization energy as a measure of the difficulty of removing electron or the strength by which an electron is bound. The higher the ionization energy, the more difficult it is to remove an electron. Therefore, ionization energy is in indicator of reactivity. Ionization energy is important because it can be used to help predict the strength of chemical bonds. Also Known As: ionization potential, IE, IP, ΔH ° Units: Ionization energy is reported in units of kilojoule per mole (kJ/mol) or electron volts (eV). Ionization Energy Trend in the Periodic Table Ionization, together with atomic and ionic radius, electronegativity, electron affinity, and metallicity, follows a trend on the periodic table of elements. Ionization energy generally increases moving from left to right across an element period (row). This is because the atomic radius generally decreases moving across a period, so there is a greater effective attraction between the negatively charged electrons and positively-charged nucleus. Ionization is at its minimum value for the alkali metal on the left side of the table and a maximum for the noble gas on the far right side of a period. The noble gas has a filled valence shell, so it resists electron removal.Ionization decreases moving top to bottom down an element group (column). This is because the principal quantum number of the outermost electron increases moving down a group. There are more protons in atoms moving down a group (greater positive charge), yet the effect is to pull in the electron shells, making them smaller and screening outer electrons from the attractive force of the nucleus. More electron shells are added moving down a group, so the outermost electron becomes increasingly distance from the nucleus. First, Second, and Subsequent Ionization Energies The energy required to remove the outermost valence electron from a neutral atom is the first ionization energy. The second ionization energy is that required to remove the next electron, and so on. The second ionization energy is always higher than the first ionization energy. Take, for example, an alkali metal atom. Removing the first electron is relatively easy because its loss gives the atom a stable electron shell. Removing the second electron involves a new electron shell that is closer and more tightly bound to the atomic nucleus. The first ionization energy of hydrogen may be represented by the following equation: H(g) → H(g) e- ΔH °Ã‚   -1312.0 kJ/mol Exceptions to the Ionization Energy Trend If you look at a chart of first ionization energies, two exceptions to the trend are readily apparent. The first ionization energy of boron is less than that of beryllium and the first ionization energy of oxygen is less than that of nitrogen. The reason for the discrepancy is due to the electron configuration of these elements and Hunds rule. For beryllium, the first ionization potential electron comes from the 2s orbital, although ionization of boron involves a 2p electron. For both nitrogen and oxygen, the electron comes from the 2p orbital, but the spin is the same for all 2p nitrogen electrons, while there is a set of paired electrons in one of the 2p oxygen orbitals. Key Points Ionization energy is the minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion in the gas phase.The most common units of ionization energy are kilojoules per mole (kJ/M) or electron volts (eV).Ionization energy exhibits periodicity on the periodic table.The general trend is for ionization energy to increase moving from left to right across an element period. Moving left to right across a period, atomic radius decreases, so electrons are more attracted to the (closer) nucleus.The general trend is for ionization energy to decrease moving from top to bottom down a periodic table group. Moving down a group, a valence shell is added. The outermost electrons are further from the positive-charged nucleus, so they are easier to remove. References F. Albert Cotton and Geoffrey Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (5th ed., John Wiley 1988) p.1381.Lang, Peter F.; Smith, Barry C. Ionization Energies of Atoms and Atomic Ions. Journal of Chemical Education. 80 (8).

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Roman Festival of Floralia

The Roman Festival of Floralia Although the ancient Roman holiday of Floralia began in April, the Roman month of the love goddess Venus, it was really an ancient May Day celebration. Flora, the Roman goddess in whose honor the festival was held, was a goddess of flowers, which generally begin to bloom in the spring. The holiday for Flora (as officially determined by Julius Caesar when he fixed the Roman calendar) ran from April 28 to May 3. Festival Games Romans celebrated Floralia with the set of games and theatrical presentations known as the Ludi Florales. Classical scholar Lily Ross Taylor notes that the Ludi Floralia, Apollinares, Ceriales, and Megalenses all had days of ludi scaenici (literally, scenic games, including plays) followed by a final day devoted to circus games. Financing Roman Ludi (Games) Roman public games (ludi) were financed by minor public magistrates known as aediles. The curule aediles produced the Ludi Florales. The position of curule aedile was originally (365 B.C.) limited to patricians, but was later opened up to plebeians. The ludi could be very expensive for the aediles, who used the games as a socially accepted way of winning the affection and votes of the people. In this way, the aediles hoped to ensure victory in future elections for higher office after they had finished their year as aediles. Cicero mentions that as aedile in 69 B.C., he was responsible for the Floralia (Orationes Verrinae ii, 5, 36-7). Floralia History The Floralia festival began in Rome in 240 or 238 B.C., when the temple to Flora was dedicated, to please the goddess Flora into protecting the blossoms. The Floralia fell out of favor and was discontinued until 173 B.C., when the Senate, concerned with wind, hail, and other damage to the flowers, ordered Floras celebration reinstated as the Ludi Florales. Floralia and Prostitutes The Ludi Florales included theatrical entertainment, including mimes, naked actresses, and prostitutes. In the Renaissance, some writers thought that Flora had been a human prostitute who was turned into a goddess, possibly because of the licentiousness of the Ludi Florales or because, according to David Lupher, Flora was a common name for prostitutes in ancient Rome. Floralia Symbolism and May Day The celebration in honor of Flora included floral wreaths worn in the hair much like modern participants in May Day celebrations. After the theatrical performances, the celebration continued in the Circus Maximus, where animals were set free and beans scattered to ensure fertility. Sources The Opportunities for Dramatic Performances in the Time of Plautus and Terence, by Lily Ross Taylor. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol. 68, (1937), pp. 284-304.Ciceros Aedileship, by Lily Ross Taylor. The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 60, No. 2 (1939), pp. 194-202.Floralia, Florales Ludi Festival ... - University of Chicago.*/Floralia.html.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Toll Company Annual Report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toll Company Annual Report - Case Study Example This is the group work component of the assignment. After inter-group discussion, each member of the group will complete a peer review on the group members which will be submitted to the tutor in the tutorial class. The group work component of the assessment is worth 10%. Part 4 of the case study must be completed as an individual assessment. This part of the assignment is worth 15%. Please see Part 4 for requirements and instructions for submission. Document 1: Each student will download from the Morningstar DatAnalysis Database, the company’s 2013 annual report (hard copy not necessary) and financial data in a excel spreadsheet for the past 10 years. It will be sufficient to use an electronic copy to use as the reference material for answering the case study questions. Morningstar DatAnalysis Database – (available via libguides or alternatively the JCU library databases): to obtain the necessary company annual reports and financial data in an excel spreadsheet for the past 10 years. Note, students will only require the financial data for the past 4 years to perform the financial statement analysis. Simply hide the column information that is not required. This information will be used for generating financial statement analysis (parts 3 and 4) of the assignment. Students may also find it useful to refer to the financial data when making comparisons in part 2. Groups will consist of students that have been assigned the same company for the case study assignment in each tutorial class. It is recommended that students answer the questions assigned for each class in advance, so they areable to participate in inter-group discussions during the tutorial class.If the weekly questions are done in arrears marks may be lost because of failure to participate in group discussions during the tutorial classes. What are the page references for the